Ice Thermal Storage Systems

As the name suggests, they use ice to build and store cooling when cooling demand and/or energy rates are low (mostly overnight), which the system then uses for process cooling purposes or air-conditioning when energy rates are high (mostly daytime).


  • Refrigeration systems up to 50% more compact.
  • Operational cost savings: ice formed overnight with cheaper electricity.
  • Lower energy consumption basing the cooling system on average conditions rather than peak reduces power requirements and the refrigerant charge.
  • Reduced carbon footprint: Most of the cooling occurs overnight when condensing temperatures are lower and the cooling system requires less energy.
  • Less compressor maintenance since the compressor operates continuously at full capacity and not under fluctuating partial load.
  • Thermal storage systems provide back-up cooling.
  • Ideal for applications where there are large fluctuations in cooling demand e.g. milk intake / pasteurisation in Dairy Facilities.



Ice thermal storage is typically used for

  • Dairies
  • Breweries
  • Process Cooling Applications
  • Immersion Cooling
  • Wet Air Cooling Systems for Fruit & vegetables
  • Air conditioning
  • District cooling
  • Emergency cooling